Plein air Watercolor Sketch, at Indian Rock, Berkeley
You know how it is, tourists and other out-of-towners often visit places that are right in your own virtual backyard, places you take for granted. But somehow you never quite get around to seeing them. Such was the case with Indian Rock in Berkeley. I must have driven by within a block of it a thousand times, vaguely knowing it was there somewhere, never curious enough to check it out. Kind of like your fourth toenail on your left foot. You know it's there, but unless it's called to your attention in some way, you're content to just let it be.
Thanks to my plein air group, Indian Rock was called to my attention. The sketch above represents just a small bit of the much larger chunks of granite found on over an acre of park in the Berkeley hills. For years, rock climbers have practiced their skills there, along with courting couples, underage drinkers, and the occasional sketcher.
Thanks to my plein air group, Indian Rock was called to my attention. The sketch above represents just a small bit of the much larger chunks of granite found on over an acre of park in the Berkeley hills. For years, rock climbers have practiced their skills there, along with courting couples, underage drinkers, and the occasional sketcher.
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