A Mermaid Named Iemanja

Tomorrow is the day I catch the plane and fly away. I will go to Brazil where I will spend three months in Salvador, Bahia. I'll be arriving just in time for one of the largest celebrations there, the Festa de Iemanja. This goddess is known in Africa, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and other countries, and by various names. She is the Goddess of the Sea, and well-loved in the port city of Salvador. Her image is seen all over, as a sign of devotion, or decoration, even in advertising. I'll be looking for and collecting more images. I'll try to paint a bit while I'm there, but the ocean is close by, and distractions are rampant. So we'll see . . . .


  1. Love the mermaids! I'm sure they would be censored (forced to wear sea shells or something) here in the US, lol.

    Have a good flight! :-)


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