Stuck in the Cold

Yes, sometimes both flamingos and waterbabies get stuck in the wrong place this time of year. These chilly birds and I will be at my sister's house in Grass Valley, California for the holidays. Assorted family members will be dropping in and out. Some will partake of the roast beest, others the roast vegetables. Who will get the prizes for being the Most Obnoxious, the Most Bah Humbug! Don't have to worry about the Most Under-the-influence on Christmas Day, cuz Cousin Nate will be out on a one-day pass, and we'll all be on our most substance-free behavior.

We'll be thankful that a bad year is ending soon, and while we've all suffered setbacks, none of us has lost a home. The lights will be on, we'll be warm, and there will be food on the table. If you can say the same, then kick in some bucks to your local Food Pantry or Salvation Army bell-ringer.


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