Benicia Slough
While digging around in some reference photos this afternoon, I came across some taken a few months ago on a plein air session on the Benicia shoreline. That day was miserably cold, overcast and made worse by a nasty wind cutting in off the water. I woulda bailed, but someone else was driving. I don't do well in temperatures much lower than around 70. I snapped a bunch of possibly painting-worthy shots, but as far as actually painting, not much, my fingers were freezing. I did a fast and small sketch to finish later. I later worked on it, but it was not one of my more succesful attempts. Rather gray and dismal, and the wave of swamp grass was too unmanageable, so I turned it into some water, only the shape was rather boring. Then I foto'ed it outside under more cloudy skies, so it appears even grimmer than it really is. I might return, but the weather will have to be considerably warmer.
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